jul 23

Mr Anders Behring Breivik

«One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests» In other words, you are saying that fanatisism can change the world, and you are right. Anyone with half a brain who puts all his or her resources into one activity, will be able to «move mountains». This is common sence, you little man!
What insane logic have you used to justify the hunting down and killing of kids?
You live at home with your Mum, and even though parents can´t be fully blamed for their childrens actions, it poses questions. How can a mother not know what her grown son is planning? And where do your nationalist opinions come from? Have you been bullied by a slightly browner skinned person as a kid?
My stomach shurnes as I think of witness accounts; «He laughed as he pulled the trigger. The blonde man identified himself as a policeman and told us to come to him. When some kids got up, he opened fire». Are you proud of this you sick fuck? I have friends on that island i still haven´t heard from and you sit there with a smirk on your face? You WILL NOT crush the spirits of this country! I feel sorry for you Anders, and I hope one day the reality of your actions will reveal their nasty faces and haunt you forever.
Karma will have a field day with you Mr Breivik.

Peace to all, and my thoughts go to the people who are lost and their closest, Mina

2 kommentarer

  1. TheQuery sier:

    Let him out… let him see the damage he has caused the norwegian people. For me, his behavior is not accepted. Im ready to take him down, piece by piece, minute for minute… I know the norwegian people are aslo ready to give this man a lesson for life. Take him down, let him rise and take he down again… till the man see the light of death!

  2. Damian sier:


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